Tuesday, 23 December 2014

YOU Incorporated for a New year!

Organizations all over the world irrespective of their size, status or staff strength observe the 'end-of-year rituals' characterised by meetings, reviews, retreats, trainings and planning. The 'end-of-year ritual' involves activities commonly associated with the end of year, this usually starts few months before or in the month of December.  There usually is a hype about the series of events and activities in this season from board meetings, appraisals/reward, assessment scoring/reviews, operational analysis, strategy development, reward for loyalty, end of year celebration and sometimes award giving. It usually is a cap on all that has transpired in the organization in the course of the year and preparedness for the coming year.

The ritual of outlined events form part of yearly activities for most organizations if not all. These activities put the one year activities in focus and help the organization to achieve the following:~
~ Identify growth and performance along various key indicators; 
~ Identify profit and profit making points; 
~ Assess stakeholders contribution and reward as necessary;
~ Also stakeholders assess performance with set objectives using varied indices
~ Analyze the financials ~ income/expenditure/investments
~ Identify the winning strategy;
~ Identify points of failure;
~ Review opportunities that lie ahead;
~ Identify new objectives for the new year;
~ Develop new strategies for the new objectives;
~ Break down objectives & strategies into tasks and activities;
~ Create timelines for set objectives

While many institutions and organizations carry these activities out on regular basis, in the same vein, individuals too need to perform the 'end-of-year ritual'. 

Why should this be? 
Generally, in the transition between end of a year and beginning of the New Year, people usually have ‘New year resolutions’ which is list of ‘To-dos’ and ‘Not-to-dos’ similar to organizations and institutions, the difference is however in the highly structured plans, processes with clearly defined timelines, resources and defined expected outcomes geared towards achieving set objectives at all levels and in all aspect. 

And how can it be?
~ Relate your individual life, cycle, activities and lifestyle with that of an organization. 
~ Carry out a personal assessment and put your life forward for stakeholder’s assessment.
~ Do a SWOT {Strength/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats} analysis of your life across all areas/section - spiritual, personal development, career, finance, family, social/community contribution and etc. 
~ Sync the analysis of reality with what is desirable while placing immediate focus on what is achievable.

To make the New year resolutions more focussed, result-oriented, effective and efficient, create a YOU Incorporated!, a strategic review of YOU – Goals and detailed plans on how to achieve goals.

While you make final preparation for the new year; retreat, review, realign and refire for the new year.

For comments, contributions, questions and queries contact :
Twitter: @Bankysanya

Monday, 24 November 2014

How to live before you die ~ Tribute to Dr. Myles Munroe

The last few weeks for me has been somber, as I muse on the loss of world acclaimed icon of leadership ~ leader of leaders, Transformational leader and Consultant to nations across the globe - Dr. Myles Munroe who was involved in a plane crash at the Grand Bahamas that claimed his life, his wife- Ann Munroe and seven member of the Bahamas Faith Ministry international.

I was in shock and I have passed through three phases: first, wishing it was a rumor or a media glitch and then second, after couple of hours, faced the reality of the loss of these patriarchs and matriarchs and the third phase which has being intermittent thought on the loss and reality of the impact of death. I shiver at the endless streams of news and accolades on the unprecedented event that claimed the lives of the world-acclaimed transformational leader. I watched all over again clips of his teachings, read reviews of couple of his books, reminiscenced on a few of his tour to Africa, precisely Nigeria where I have been privileged to see him at a close range. I could not stop thinking how his several in-depth teachings climaxed on ~ Purpose, leadership, maximizing life & opportunities has impacted many, myself been a privileged beneficiary.

In deep reflection, I read his profile over and over and I marveled at how his life has turned out within the few years he lived (60 years) from a humble background to an influential force of reckoning. With inter-continental, inter-national, multi-racial and global followership transcending many geographical and religious spheres. Even though his life ended sharply, we all are sad and have mourned, yet in his death, his influence and power in his teachings, the quality of life he lived remain potent! Like he knew the end of the phase on this side of planet earth was near, he fearlessly preached about death as the endpoint of a purposeful life. My take-home from his teachings are encapsulated in this point ~ living and giving one's best before death. Ponder on this; what will your world say about you the day you die and long after you are gone? ! !

Summary of some of his teachings and books are highlighted as follows: ~
I. Appreciate and value life and living as a gift.
II. Existence on planet earth is beyond random biological, hormonal or organ interaction, it is for a purpose
III. Every life has enveloped in itself purpose, endless opportunities and resources to achieve imaginable dreams and aspirations.
IV. Inside each person's purpose are hidden solutions to their world.
V. Life is to be explored and maximized.
VI. Attitude is an essential path to success.
VII. Described success as an ally of purpose
VIII. Linked success and purpose with duration of life and death
IX. Leadership leverages on influence and everyone has got the potential.

Here are a few of Dr. Myles Munroe's life changing quotes:~

"The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose."

"The value of life is not in its duration but it's donation, you are not important because if how long you live, you are important because if how effective. And most people are concerned about growing old rather than being effective."

“People generally fall into one of three groups: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens. Every person is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment.”
― Myles Munroe, Understanding Your Potential

“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”
― Myles Munroe, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Woman

“You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.”
― Myles Munroe, Understanding Your Potential

“Junk is in the eyes of the beholder. Some look, but others see.”
― Myles Munroe, Understanding Your Potential

“No matter what type of leader you are or how widespread your influence, you face personal temptations, challenges, and stresses. And only a foundation of character will sustain you and your leadership.”
― Myles Munroe, Power of Character in Leadership, The: How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders

Source for quotes: ~

Thursday, 6 November 2014

The 365 Views. . .

The beginning of every year sends a tingling sensation for many people with a resolution of what to be and what not to be, what to do and what not to do with high spirit and acute optimism. Usually, the year starts with so much confidence and high hopes, a long list of dreams, goals, hopes, ideas, plans and resolutions with an endpoint that revolves around picture of a desirable or preferred future. As the 365 days in the year unfolds, the several dreams, goals, hopes, ideas and plans are expected to unfold with the new year desires and wish list fulfilled.

As the year progresses and the 365 days in the year gradually winds up, the ideas, goals, visions, dreams hang around us and haunts us. As many as these desires and wish list can be, having a desirable and positive outcomes is the desirable achievement and the success story. These success stories are usually not as many. Translating the dreams, goals and ideas into reality is the herculean task, going through the haul and giving it all it takes. On this path of reality, some dreams and ideas fizzle away, some get discouraged and turn back, a few keep up and stay firm while some redraw the dream, goal or idea. The litmus test of every dream or idea is in the consistency, commitment, adaptability and flexibility.

It's sad to know that bad circumstances often occur to our dreams, ideas, plans; sometimes things don't go the way we project. Life often deal us a mix punch of good and bad, fun and pain. Failure happens to plans, dreams and ideas, the cost is high but it definitely is not license to truncate the idea or quash a dream. The colour of failure is bleak, dull, lacking luster and casts a melancholy facade on dreams, plans and goals. Failure casts shadow and a spell on its subject. It veils rays of brightness. The reality also is that, staying firm on an idea is not an assurance that it will sail through or succeed. Failure is an unavoidable part of life, it magnifies itself and create a halo on many other aspects of life.

As thick as the darkness of failure can be, it often forms a platform for future success. It becomes the tutor of the future knowledge and innovation. As the year runs to a visible end, it won't be a bad idea to critique how the year has fared so far. Do a self-audit: consider and examine the failures, weaknesses and the shortcomings. Reevaluate the dreams, goals, hopes, ideas and plans that are still in the pipeline, for goals yet to be achieved, for ideas that are still in the womb, it's not too late! Never too late to take active step. The best time to begin with anything that is worthwhile at all is NOW!

Friday, 24 October 2014

Need for Change or Demand for Change?

The all time question to change or not to change will always echo from now to generations yet unborn with endless fears of the risks, what can be or what might not be. And as tough as it may sometime seem, it will continue to be the bricks and foundation upon which innovation and the "future world" of individual lives and organizations will be built. Imagine, if the generation of The Wright Brotherswere too scared of the idea of flying or feared dying while in space, the world would have been deprived of the myriads of benefits that the concept of an aeroplane and the booming aviation industry created and we would have been stuck to our locomotive's noise, snail speed and absence of comfort in moving from one point to another. We therefore need to keep changing to make impact and hopefully to keep improving and getting better!

An old adage says - "Change is the only constant thing in life" literally meaning that everyday living is helplessly marked with changes whether it has to be designed or imposed. Supposing that everyday I wake up, the colour of the sky will keep changing from ocean blue to sunny red to bright orange and perhaps royal purple (*never seen that though! just an expression). But we know better that the concept of constant change is to prepare us for inevitable uncertainties which show up continuously altering our determined styles, schedules and paradigms. In other words, change is a continuous exercise, it is however desirable for change to be with positive attributes, impact and for improvement.

Change present itself to us in two ways ~ a need to change and demand for change. The need to change will always be differentiated from the demand for change, while need for change is as perceived by self or induced via a self assessment; the demand for change is by external force. The need for change perceived by self is always as defined by self and its limited to what an individual perceive of self, it is adjudged as easier to relate with unlike demand for change which defines expected change according to perception of an external input or force.

Every human is often faced with both sides of the coin ~ self-assessed need for change and external demand for change and a degree of both is essential to create a balance in our psyche. Largely, a self-assessed need for change reflects the existence of conscience while the existence of external demand and level of responsiveness to external demand for change indicates level of accountability. The ability to juggle both sides of the coin without loosing the essence of the coin or the value of the coin reflects a considerable level of maturity. Leadership abilities are also indicated by the degrees of responsiveness to the two-sided coin, in other words, leadership abilities will be appreciated by the existence of conscience and acts of conscience in good measure and sense of accountability. It is a correct assertion to say leaders are almost always change agents
Whatever side of coin we are faced with, it is laudable to submit to self-assessed need for change eventhough it can sometimes be tough while it is more important to focus on the potential and opportunities hidden in demand for change from external input/forces.

"Change hurts. It makes people insecure, confused, and angry. People want things to be the same as they've always been, because that makes life easier. But, if you're a leader, you can't let your people hang on to the past." ~ Richard Marcinko

"To live is to change and to be perfect is to have changed often" ~ John Henry Newman .."

A little change gives change, a great change gives change. Change in whatever dimension or scope is a change. Change is no respecter of age, gender, status or religion.
Comments, contributions, questions and queries are welcomed on the article. Email:bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Saturday, 11 October 2014

To Change or Not to Change?

Change is tough and the thought of change is scary in itself! But change for good is almost always a better way to be. This is a familiar mantra that one hears on every now and then. Individuals need change to better their acts and their lots; organizations require change in their strategy to remain profitable and relevant in their industry; employees need change in level of competence and attitude to help organizations achieve their objective within set timelines; managers need to change to optimize all resources - human and inhuman and achieve set targets; parents need to change and be more responsive to children' needs; children need to change and become more obedient and exemplary; wives need to change and have more trust and regard for their husband; husbands need to change and be more loving, helpful and faithful to their wives; the good-willed and kind-hearted needs to get better in doing good; the wicked needs to change from their wicked ways and embrace love for mankind; our national leaders need to change and be more responsible and accountable to their oaths; followers need to change and become more agreeable and supportive to authorities; the world needs to change and be more conscious of changes in our climate and go green; the globe needs to change and know that it's content has gotten so mixed together that there is no longer boundaries and the world has gradually become a smaller entity due to accessibility. Change itself needs to know that it is tough and it pricks at every attempt to embrace.

While change is universal, it's not a one-size fits all. It varies in content, dimension, intensity and scope. It can be a tough hurdle but just like a 400 meters hurdle, it requires focusing a target with end in view, lifting of the body with strength and determination and consistent, progressive speed towards the marked line.

I remember my experience teaching Change models to a professional class of adults, it wasn't much ado teaching the Kurt Lewin's Freezing & Unfreezing Change Model but it  took a lot of effort describing the Kotter's Eight steps to Successful Change despite the various simulations and scenarios played for them to readily remember the eight steps, it was some hurdle! My conclusion- if teaching change could be that engaging how much more the process of change itself!

In my personal change drive, I've realized that change is not a final destination! It's a  drive towards continuos improvement. Just as you achieve one step and you think it's a feat, there is a demand for a higher change! A Zig Ziglar's book titled How to Stay Up, Up, Up in a Down, Down, Down World. The sure way is to keep changing! Having a sharp change might be desirable since one will achieve the desirable end within a shorter time but then is it sustainable? Doing a 360 degrees turn in a wink is tough enough and attempt to make another turn can be too tiring but taking a 1 degree turn over 360 hours or 360 days might be more consistent and sustainable. For consistent and sustainable change ~ Draw a target: picture a desirable end; have an activity plan; break activity down in bits; chart a periodic schedule of activity; do a self-talk write up to reinforce and motivate the change drive; keep doing; allow failures, don't celebrate or stay on the down times; just keep moving and keep moving until moving becomes progressively feasible and visible. Take change "poco a poco", little by little, one step at a time. Take change for good by the horn and ride it "poco a poco"

Comments, contributions, questions and queries are welcomed on the article. Email:bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Bringing leadership home. . .

The greatest dearth of my continent ~ Africa is the dearth of leaders and a warped concept of leadership. Every country and group of people have claims of been led by someone at the helm of affairs. There is a saying that I will like to convert to describe leadership ~ "Some are born leaders, some achieve leadership, some have leadership thrust upon them". This describes the types of leaders we have of which, the last two describes more of what obtains in our world - Some see the leadership as achievement while it is thrust upon some. The original version by Williams Shakespeare describes greatness and it added a prefix instruction - "Be not afraid of greatness . . ."

While our experiences with leadership might not be on the positive side, it's important that leadership is put in proper light and imbibed in proper dimension for a better world. History has a way of chronicling leaders who have impacted the world even to generations yet to come, the names are enough to send a sensation- if you hear the name Adolph Hitler, Christopher Columbus, Winston Churchill, Florence Nightingale, Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkrumah and the list goes on, what comes to mind? 

Our ideas on leadership have gotten too used to governance and politics; tabloids and social media unendingly give unapologetic stories of failed leadership across the globe. While we reckon with the public leadership status as the standard, we overlook the everyday opportunities of leadership in our homes, offices, factories and religious centers. Homes where the women and the children dare not have contrary ideas or opinions to the husbands'; Employers of labour who have replaced their offices and factories into slavery centres with helpless employees whose options are limited;  Religious leaders who have indoctrinated their followers and turned themselves to gods. 

The real need is to take leadership away from politics, governance and a few holders of it and bring it near home where the majority is. There is a need to take leadership from the thrones, palaces, government houses and bring on the desirable leadership patterns into our individual lives, homes, workplaces and teach it to children, the future leaders.

The real leadership is as described by Peter Drucker

"Leadership is not magnetic personality — that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not ‘making friends and influencing people’ — that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations."

Consider, the leadership over you, how much is it fulfilling this? Is there something to be free from? Freedom to any group of people would be emancipation from any source of threat, burden, stress, slavery. A little exercise to stretch our minds as we celebrate the Nigerian Independence and the 54th birthday: If you are given opportunity to be free from anything, what will it be? List those things, areas or issues. Then, highlight the gains of being free and how to achieve the freedom. If the said freedom would add positive value, then pursue and achieve!

Comments, contributions, queries and questions are welcomed. Email: bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Fly Don't Walk. . .

The last article focused on encouraging the drive to start something creative, productive and positive. The excuses for procrastination applies to majority- old or young, male or female. These excuses are typical and unending and we easily find logical sequence of well thought-out reasons not to take a step perceived as desirable. Maintaining a state of rest comes natural, it does not require any form of expansion or contraction, no shift in space and time nor transition from comfort zones to unfamiliar, risky terrains. 

For any venture, project or ideas, a degree of potential opportunities, abilities and energy is required while an impetus, drive, liquid or flow of directed energy is required to drive the potential and give expression to the innate abilities. The latent energy is same as existing abilities and abilities that are hidden. These abilities require been identified first and seen as what it is - potentials, a step further on potentials is exploring, honing skills and improvement on existing abilities. 

It is a general saying that the grave is the most fertile ground as it is filled with many who died locked up under Mother Earth with tonnes of 'what' they could have become. Potential left untapped is a lost opportunity cost; lost cost of what could have been and abilities that could have been  converted to gain/profit. In many folks today, we have tonnes of potential and latent energy filled with untapped opportunities waiting to be explored and hidden under myriads of excuses. Excuses are usually intelligent but almost always not profitable as they leave those potentials and forms of energy permanently in an unexpressible form. Excuses like ~"Not done this before", "What if I fail"?, "What if the idea is not viable"? "What if I was wrong"? "What if I loose all"? 
For these endless questions, rather than leave the questions unanswered, it is better to be on the curious lane by inquisitively seeking fair responses and putting self on the reverse lane which will eventually lead to the action-base lane. And so in my crude version, I'll rather respond to the questions in this mode- 
"Not done this before" ~ So why not try now! There is always a first time!
"What if I fail?" ~ And what if you do not? 50:50 right, Then it's a gain!
"What if the idea is not viable?" ~ And what if the idea is? Do you lose or you gain?
"What if I was wrong?" ~ And what if you are right?
"What if I loose all?" ~ And what if you don't loose all? Or loose any at all?

The truth is life and our existence itself is probabilistic i.e. 50:50, daily living is filled with such probabilistic models. For example, why should we close our eyes to sleep at night? What is the assurance that we will wake up next morning? We seem to have a hope on such things typically applying an air of religiosity, yet it is difficult to stretch the same hope further on our aspirations, ambitions and ideas. On this note, I charge that on any idea, venture or project; hope, faith and energy should be expended on what is - what exists to achieve what can be.

I submit on this note: "That it is better to crawl than being static, better to walk than to crawl and better to fly than to walk; One common denominator, just keep attempting all forms of motion" ~ 'BF

Comments, contributions, queries and questions are welcomed. Email: bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Saturday, 30 August 2014

A token for a help.

It's been a while I dropped my thoughts on this page and I must start with an apology for going AWOL. I've been in many places at the same time doing many things at the same time ~ mundane and important. The last couple of days have been filled with some landmark experiences and coincidences also laced with couple of mundane experiences which I will be sharing couple of weeks to come. I certainly have honed more skills in been a better entrepreneur but I bet the lessons have been from unlikely terrain.

My  número uno experience is that of the power of activating response to guts, inkling, thoughts that linger. A token for online banking transaction has laid fallow in my house for over two years, we just never got around activating it eventhough we have talked about how good it will be to get it activated. And so this Friday night, someone just had a brainwave and sat with it for over 2 hours trying to rigmarole around initiating the debut of internet banking in our house, poor network dud not help matters either. We deployed all options of phoning a friend, asking the audience and after a few hours by which time it was already wee hours in the morning, after so much ado, we had a success of the exercise after which it was rewarding to sleep feeling like a smart toad. We have barely slept when we heard a ring on the phone and it was a call from a kin who had an urgent need of funds and needed an urgent loan to be returned following day and it had to be immediately! At that time of the night and the beginning of a weekend, it would naturally have been logical to offer a Monday bank deposit as the solution but for the new device; in any case, the use of the token have to be tried and the only way the funds would get to him would be via a fund transfer ~ online banking using a token! The newly achieved feat.

The effort to meet the need of the relation was a driving force even in the face of network failure, a desire to help the relation despite all was a motivating factor to discover banking on an app. The fund was wired using the newly activated token and then came this heroic feeling that was instantly doused by the synchrony of the two mutually independent events of the urge to activate the token and the sequelae of needing to deploy same almost instantly. It was also a long overdue achievement in a cashless world. And I asked, what inspired the brainwave? 

Lessons learnt: Follow your gut, that brainwave, "god-feeling", inkling, urge to do something constructive, productive or of value. Don't procrastinate, Don't delay, start the process, Just Do It! You never know whose needs will be met as a result of your effort, you do not know whose life will be better because of your action. Getting things done for others usually begin with getting ahead with self!

Comments, contributions, queries and questions are welcomed. Email: bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


A Mexican adage says "Poco a poco les andan lejos". This means little by little, we travel far. The journey of a thousand miles will always begin with a first stride and a first attempt. Any venture whatsoever starts with a trial, a testing of ground or a pilot trial. The first step of any project and venture involves a degree of trial and error, this gives room for discovery of error in projections, calculations, design. The errors discovered becomes the platform for continuous improvement in the project or the design. It is important to be bold enough to face this reality of imperfection and marry it with desire. 

Ideas that will work or thrive don't usually look all finished and well cut out, sometimes with bleak future, sometimes crazy and illogical! The 21st century has witnessed inflow of phenomenal ideas and innovations that at their inception seemed like an impossible miracle but today, they are ideas that have outlived the pioneer and has been continuously improved with newest designs been very far from the initial concept. 

This mantra ~ "ideas rule the world" can look like a fluke. One should ask this mind-boggling question, how will an idea rule the world and how will one know the type of ideas that will stand out? Truthfully, every idea looks brilliant to the author but until it is tested, proven and applied on its own merit and relevance. Ideas in the 21st century is beyond a thought or product of imagination, it's not a brain wave neither is it a mind tour! It is a translation of thoughts and imaginations into tangible measurable value. It is a pictorial expression of a compelling creation, a logical and practical description of abstract value.

Every item of value - product or service that we see is the by-product of an idea. Creating an idea can be to innovate or to imitate; creation of products and services can be to create from scratch what did not exist, to recreate what exists and join the bandwagon of competition or recreate, improve or disrupt what exists and give room for a new invention.

Many brilliant ideas and views have been clouded with prevailing negativity, unpalatable vibes and sad stories littering the whole clime, the fear of competition threatens new ideas. The tales of failed businesses, ventures, projects and designs solicited and unsolicited are far too many! Some fail almost as they start, some others fail after a few years from inception while many more fail due to disaster or demise of the owner. Despite all these, a few ideas and enterprises strive to survive maintaining their purpose of existence with resilience and survival. While we can celebrate the present day ideas, many more resulting in new products and services will still spring up. If your ideas can't serve today's purpose, they can be targeted at tomorrow's purpose. Idea has character, dimensions, emotions, value and it has it's seasons. It is a tangible currency for success. 
You never know which idea will break the springboard and catapult to limelight, fulfillment and profit, so keep churning it out, don't get discouraged and don't give up!

Comments, contributions, questions and queries are welcomed on this write up. Email:bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Strutting the runway of entrepreneurship

Being an accomplished entrepreneur can only be judged in retrospect. Many ideas and inventions fill the airspace looking for runways to trot on before taking flight. While some struggle at the stage of formation and structuring of the business ideas and plans, many strut the runway but cease to spread their wings and fly. Walking the runway usually starts with stuttering and failing steps, shyness, fear of the unknown that characterize the teething period of starting a business with the myriads of challenges from funding, staffing, production, selling, advertising, competition, having a structure and etc. Gradually comes the boldness and confidence to walk with spine straight, straight gaze, swaying hips even with a stiletto so it is with the smoothening stage of an enterprise' process.  Starting an enterprise, beginning production or offering of service is a gradual process, with concerted effort, it progressively gains momentum, builds competitive edge, gains profit and ultimately achieves sustainability.

The path of an entrepreneur is laden with so much potentials, opportunities, learning and lessons. It's never a series of events with a predictable end but a mixed grill of ups and downs, twists and turns, profit and loss, boom and recession. It is important to understand that the period of boom is not the time for sharing the largesse and also embrace the fact that failure or losses is not a sign to call it quit. Having it all under control whichever end of the pendulum it swings and never giving up on one's idea is not only a sign of maturity but the art of making an enterprise a life.

Having a business idea is the foundation of every enterprise but in reality, having a business idea is never enough! The grave remains the most fertile ground as many ideas die not seeing the light of the day! Business ideas remain the cove through which great enterprises are built. Many times, ideas and businesses go through different stages and different cycles which can involve ideation, starting up, structuring, growth, failure, remodeling, relaunching, it can even involve diversifying, divesting, partnership, collaboration etc. For further reading on life cycle of an enterprise, check Global Community for Advancing Studies in Entrepreneurship

One fact is certain, the whole world is ruled by ideas and enterprises that become success stories today are those whose ideas become known and desirable to replicate.

Comments, contributions, questions and queries are welcomed on the subject matter. Email:bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Human brain in colors . . .

Colors and children seem like a good complement. Teaching aids have to be bright and in full color range to achieve its primary purpose of teaching. And so we have colors in varying range ~ primary and secondary and they connote different meanings to children. It seems logical to describe tangible things in colors, objects that you can feel and touch, and then the colors become the adjective for description. It then is a feat to have intangible parts and activities of humans described in colors especially an invisible, unfathomable part of the humans ~ the human brain.

Dr. Hillman's color description of human brain.

While, it is amusing to describe the human brain activities in colors, it's more intriguing that the colors connotes level of energy and activity. Blue color like many other cool colors connotes calmness, peace, predictability, serenity, while orange with its brightness and intensity connotes warmth, energy, brightness, vibrant and stimulating. 

Amazingly, this color code also has a way of influencing certain codes of activities in the workplace. The next time you see a color that strikes you, think of it more in the light of how it charges you up and your emotional and energy levels.

For comments, contributions, questions and queries on the subject matter, contact ~ 
Twitter: @Bankysanya

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The desperate entrepreneur

The drive to earn a living and the craze to survive in the midst of acute uncertainties has led many to desperately take a step in the business world, sometimes after graduating from college, loss of job or retirement. The outcome of acute response to survival has given birth to businesses, conglomerates and enterprises of varying scales. From the hustles and bustles, commercial transactions in traffic "hold ups" to shops in the major markets and the offices at the various commercial business centers. All are opened to earn a living, for profit and more importantly to conquer the all time enemy of existence - hunger and poverty. The zeal and energy of many entrepreneurs and small scale business owners including roadside sellers and hawkers are unparalleled. They oftentimes live with stark reality of an un-encouraging society that attaches hype to white collar and "job-with-suits"; forced to manage what they do in the face of nothingness and to be proud of the golden effort attached to the dignity of labour, of having a vocation and means of livelihood.

The undoing of the last generation was the unnecessarily high premium placed on paper qualifications as prerequisites to white collar employment at the expense of building innovative, technical and enterprise-based economy. A cross sectional view of our industries and medium scale enterprises accross the nation shows many businesses owned and managed by non-Nigerians and then I marvel at the irony that non-citizens find commerce profitable despite the infrastructural deficiencies and state of the economy. What we refer to as the "white-collar jobs" are the job descriptions offered by the non-Nigerian citizens who built their ideas into an enterprise. There is virtually no industry that you don't find them- construction, hospitality, manufacturing, confectioneries, medicine etc. I don't deny that Nigerians thrive when they are outside the country too in virtually every sphere of endeavor but I bet not at the same rate that these non-citizens come and they start out on their idea and it looks desirable to us sometimes with employment terms that violate human rights and international labour standards. 

The question then is what is wrong with us? And how do we right the wrong?

Every economy needs more businesses and small to medium scale enterprises remain a vibrant and veritable aspect to focus on to boost and improve their economy and Nigeria is not left out. This nation needs many more homemade products, cottage businesses, small to medium scale enterprises (SMEs) than we have at the moment. Not just for GDP index measurement but for improved livelihood and empowered life.

This is a clarion call to every household and every young soul to generate ideas and birth enterprises. Our slogan therefore is "Go start something" - Reminds me of MTN CLAP Ad shot in 2007. And so the drive is, let the people who are already doing do more, let those doing help those who are yet to do!

For comments, contributions, questions and queries on the subject matter, contact ~ 
Twitter: @Bankysanya

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Build enterprise, don't start!

The gospel of entrepreneurship seems to be trending with so much hype locally, nationally and globally. It is globally acknowledged that enterprises also known as "start-ups" accounts for a significant portion of most nations' GDP and as such governmental and non-governmental efforts are being made to drive this growing sector of the economy. 

The concept of entrepreneurship is being applauded globally as a major offer to the myriads of ills that employment and underemployment has caused and still causing in our nation(s). Truth be told, many leading change agents are pushing this frontier to make the youth see potentials and capabilities that they can offer their world if their world cannot offer them much. Secondary and tertiary institutions have introduced entrepreneurial classes in the curriculum while many non-governmental organizations and religious groups are not left out. They have christened it several names ~ empowerment, skill acquisition, poverty alleviation, wealth creation etc. these are all semantics as they basically describe the same concept of entrepreneurship.

Many young folks are cashing in with the absence of jobs in the labour market, the employed are also not left out as they leverage on entrepreneurship to create multiple streams of income. Many income generating ideas spring up every day much more than what Bureau of Statistics and States Internal revenue can capture! Some go as far as learning a vocation from photography, fashion designing, make-up artistry, shoe-making, interior decorations, events decoration, catering, baking, web design and the list is endless while many others buy and sell. One thing marks all these start-ups and entrepreneurial drive; need that is being converted to value!

While this feat of entrepreneurial spirit stands remarkable in many youths, there is also an albatross that plague the youths with a pseudo belief that the other side of the meadow is greener. Have you ever asked someone what they do for a living and they start explaining away that they sell shoe and bags for now while they await jobs that might not come! What happened to "I run a mobile boutique while I look forward to expanding new frontiers in the boutique industry" 

The undoing of our entrepreneurial drive is that we run it out of desperation and more for necessity~ "to be doing something" usually not out of passion! It's more of ad-hoc while we await the real job in the corporate organizations and the multinationals. And when those jobs don't come, the morale reaches a point that it stalls and sooner or later fizzles out of the radar of income generation.

The clarion call is to build and grow our own enterprises not just to start enterprises. Key word is build and grow.

Check out this piece that caught my focus; the introduction to Micheal Gerber's website, the legend of new day entrepreneurship and see his perspective ~ "Welcome to Michael E. Gerber’s website, a place where original thinking is held at a premium, where passion is the key to admission, where entrepreneurship is not just a word, but an action. Take that action with us to become a leader of the new entrepreneur movement in your community. At michaelegerber.com, we intend to provide you with the insight, processes, passion and tools you will need to make your Dream a reality, your Vision pragmatically correct, your Purpose inspired by meaning, and your Mission to be absolute and direct."

Comments, contributions, questions and queries are welcomed on the subject matter. Email:bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Career, Job and Work Series 2.

Many times in life, twists and turns fall in on our path that we keep linking together one to another while we focus on the desirable end. This happens oftentimes in many aspect of life such that it is when we move near the end that ease comes and focus is directed. Building a career can sometimes take this path and differentiating among the three concepts of work, job and career might be unclear for young folks especially in a country where there is high rate of unemployment and underemployment. The word career might even look hazy and non-existent. For this purpose, it's important to describe the concepts and their relationship.

Career, job and work: the three musketeers are not left out as they are interrelated and many a time used interchangeably eventhough they mean different things.
Job in the simplest word can be described as a means of livelihood. It also describes specific activities required to be done as a duty in exchange for a specific fee or reward. Work in the same vein similar to job is activity directed towards making or doing something of occupation for which one gets paid.
Career refers to the general progression of working and professional activities over a given timeframe or lifespan. Check out this for further reading http://www.espressoenglish.net/difference-between-job-work-and-career/ 

The irony about these three concepts is that they are connected in what seems like a progression and often times linked together to arrive at an outcome. Young people can find these concepts confusing and unclear as there are no rules! 

For the purpose of career and profession building, the drive starts with a clear picture of the desirable result or outcome while progressive jobs and work opportunities are deliberately channelled in the specific direction. You can have a career in view and have a job today....that's familiar, keep active on the job, hone skills, keep learning and constantly improve. It starts on that note and then the journey progressively gets better.

A chart of personal development focussed on career is also important. In moving from one point to another, have information about the destination, how to get there and perhaps who has gone there before. Bringing that to building real life career, you must have information on the desired career, know the career requirements, be it a degree, skill, training, experience or expertise  and very importantly identify one who has achievement in the chosen career and follow after.

My charge to you today is a quote "Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life" ~ Jim Fox

For comments, complaints, questions and queries on the subject matter. Email: bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Friday, 2 May 2014

May Day or /mehdeh/?

Well, today is May 1 for all that cares to know. To some it might be workers day, to some it's another off work day - public holiday while to some it's another beginning of another month in the second quarter of the year.

Whichever category, May 1 has come and on its way out. . .

May Day is the International workers day also referred to as Labour movement day celebrated on 1st May. This day dates back since the 19th century (1886). It is observed in about 80 countries in the world including Nigeria.

It is characterized by rallies, town hall meetings, meetings with governments, protests by labour unions. It is marked by rallying effort to make workers life more rewarding. Sometimes focus of rally or prayer to government may be on wages/ wage increase, work conditions, safety & health. 

Ironically, May Day also sounds like mayday /mehdeh/ which signifies a distress call! Workers and labour unions make their distress calls on labour issues that matters to them. Sometimes accompanied by some jamborees.

While workers have a sense of belonging and attachment to May 1, what happens to millions of youths who are unemployed or underemployed? Don't they have any part in May Day celebration or perhaps, theirs should be 'mehdeh' distress call for rebased and yet to be fulfilled hopes, dreams, vision and blurry future?

And so /mehdehmehdeh/mehdeh/mehdeh/ until something happens.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Career, Job and Work - Series 1

Every time I address undergraduates or fresh university graduate on the reality of life after school and what the future holds, I see fear, agitation, restlessness. While I can identify with these emotions, I have come to appreciate the wide gap that exists between where a fresh grad is on their journey of life in career, job and business, where s/he needs to be and the One million dollar question of how to get there. Many dreamt of becoming doctors, engineers, pharmacists, pilots, aeronautic engineers, a professors, chartered accountants, etc. For a few the hopes are fulfilled while for many, the story takes another turn when the first major hurdle in their academic sojourn don't land them in their desired spot.  And so, they settle for the available course or "courses they are offered" in the students' parlance.

Going through college or university and higher institutions of learning has it's demands of lectures, tutorials, assignments, term papers, projects, examinations etc. amidst living conditions that is far from the ideal. And with all these come the struggle to finish with an acceptable and desirable grade. The hope is that after all these sacrifices, good life that will compensate for the suffering will come with ease like it happened in the days of our fathers when two people shared a whole chicken for near free meal tickets and a job on the waiting right after school( at least I heard that first hand). Those days are still very desirable and hoped for but yet to come and until then..... While we can relish the past, we must create, write, edit, direct and act out our future. In the meantime, don't keep fingers crossed, keep it active and working!

Candid thought and questions to take home are - What is a job? and What is a career? While you ponder on this. . . Pls keep active!

For comments, complaints, questions and queries on the subject matter. Email: bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Career, Job and Work Series.

This series seek to help undergraduates, graduates and workers at all levels define everyday terms and contexts, offer help for this aspect of life that engages us actively and for which we expect a level of financial and or other rewards while ultimately encouraging and inspiring to have a fulfilling career and work life.

We welcome comments, complaints, questions and queries on the subject matter. Email: bankysanya@gmail.com Twitter: @Bankysanya

Saturday, 19 April 2014

In the spirit of Easter.

The Easter break is usually a long holiday spanning from Good Friday to Easter Monday (Galilee day). It is a time to be spent with family and friends. Fun loving folks plan picnics and many outdoor activities. But in the midst of all these fun, I recommend time for introspection. Suggested pieces for introspection ~ watch the films : "The passion of Christ" and "Elysium"

My idea of introspection isn't to make you cry because Jesus was beaten, battered and killed or for the sufferings that has been depicted in tangible dramatic forms that one can relate with. I'm saying pause and ponder on the state of the world as it is today, what Christ said about it and the future: the high level of insecurity, poverty, the wars, terrorism all over the globe, conflicts (ethnic, religious, tribe, families), the divorce rate, nations fighting nations, the incurable diseases, wickedness in high places, the health insurance chip, the earthquakes, the tornadoes and endless list of happenings. 

It's okay to believe Jesus died for the sins of the world, it's okay to believe Jesus is one of the prophets, it's okay to even believe Jesus was a good person! Whatever your belief is, put it on line, check, check again and cross check and be sure it can withstand what is yet to come.

The coming of Christ isn't a mirage, it is real and it will only be a fulfillment of the principle of sowing and reaping for Christ himself and for His people that he is coming for.

If you are still wondering what this is about please watch: "The passion of Christ" and "Elysium"

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Holiday versus work

Declaration of public holidays to workers is quite similar to holiday break for secondary school students who jump all and about with excitement. The excitement is usually in anticipation of a break from work or reduced workload for some folks. There is even the weekend slogan "TGIF" - Thank God It's Friday! sounding more like ~ Thank God I'm Free. . . Which is more like an every week thing. 

There are different perspectives to this excitement; some school of thought attach this 'holiday-holic' to a degree of being laid back while some term it as opportunity to have a deserving rest. Some argue that if a job is fulfilling and engaging enough, being away from the workplace will not be filled with so much excitement. The latter school of thoughts (oftentimes the workers themselves) on the other hand justify their need for rest from their work schedules and the demand that commuting to and fro work puts on them and other aspects of life.

But then, I'll ask shouldn't one be excited to have ones time and uninterrupted schedule for oneself without the thought of work even if I love my job and I enjoy what I do? Anyway, that's food for thought as the Easter break starts. Meanwhile, never forget to remember to enjoy yourself with your family and friends in this season. May the joy and peace of the season fill our hearts. Happy Easter!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

My Rainbow Life. . .

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. This age long adage applies to practically every area of life, be it a task, an event, a project, a goal or a desire. A step of whatever magnitude is a step and multiples of single step eventually covers the journey.

And that's exactly what this blog is about; my debut post is inspired by my desire to blow aflame a longtime passion to give expressions to my "rainbow life". You want to ask me what rainbow life is? My rainbow life is just as I want life to be colorful in all shades and hues! A "have it all life" Yes! In spiritual, emotions, family, finances, career and life in general irrespective of waiting hopes, pending dreams and visions. 

Life has got to be rich, full and beautiful. A rainbow depicts rays of hopes of positive promises so wake up to your beautiful life and say to yourself ~ 'I got a rainbow life'