The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. This age long adage applies to practically every area of life, be it a task, an event, a project, a goal or a desire. A step of whatever magnitude is a step and multiples of single step eventually covers the journey.
And that's exactly what this blog is about; my debut post is inspired by my desire to blow aflame a longtime passion to give expressions to my "rainbow life". You want to ask me what rainbow life is? My rainbow life is just as I want life to be colorful in all shades and hues! A "have it all life" Yes! In spiritual, emotions, family, finances, career and life in general irrespective of waiting hopes, pending dreams and visions.
Life has got to be rich, full and beautiful. A rainbow depicts rays of hopes of positive promises so wake up to your beautiful life and say to yourself ~ 'I got a rainbow life'
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