Saturday, 30 August 2014

A token for a help.

It's been a while I dropped my thoughts on this page and I must start with an apology for going AWOL. I've been in many places at the same time doing many things at the same time ~ mundane and important. The last couple of days have been filled with some landmark experiences and coincidences also laced with couple of mundane experiences which I will be sharing couple of weeks to come. I certainly have honed more skills in been a better entrepreneur but I bet the lessons have been from unlikely terrain.

My  nĂºmero uno experience is that of the power of activating response to guts, inkling, thoughts that linger. A token for online banking transaction has laid fallow in my house for over two years, we just never got around activating it eventhough we have talked about how good it will be to get it activated. And so this Friday night, someone just had a brainwave and sat with it for over 2 hours trying to rigmarole around initiating the debut of internet banking in our house, poor network dud not help matters either. We deployed all options of phoning a friend, asking the audience and after a few hours by which time it was already wee hours in the morning, after so much ado, we had a success of the exercise after which it was rewarding to sleep feeling like a smart toad. We have barely slept when we heard a ring on the phone and it was a call from a kin who had an urgent need of funds and needed an urgent loan to be returned following day and it had to be immediately! At that time of the night and the beginning of a weekend, it would naturally have been logical to offer a Monday bank deposit as the solution but for the new device; in any case, the use of the token have to be tried and the only way the funds would get to him would be via a fund transfer ~ online banking using a token! The newly achieved feat.

The effort to meet the need of the relation was a driving force even in the face of network failure, a desire to help the relation despite all was a motivating factor to discover banking on an app. The fund was wired using the newly activated token and then came this heroic feeling that was instantly doused by the synchrony of the two mutually independent events of the urge to activate the token and the sequelae of needing to deploy same almost instantly. It was also a long overdue achievement in a cashless world. And I asked, what inspired the brainwave? 

Lessons learnt: Follow your gut, that brainwave, "god-feeling", inkling, urge to do something constructive, productive or of value. Don't procrastinate, Don't delay, start the process, Just Do It! You never know whose needs will be met as a result of your effort, you do not know whose life will be better because of your action. Getting things done for others usually begin with getting ahead with self!

Comments, contributions, queries and questions are welcomed. Email: Twitter: @Bankysanya

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