Friday, 2 May 2014

May Day or /mehdeh/?

Well, today is May 1 for all that cares to know. To some it might be workers day, to some it's another off work day - public holiday while to some it's another beginning of another month in the second quarter of the year.

Whichever category, May 1 has come and on its way out. . .

May Day is the International workers day also referred to as Labour movement day celebrated on 1st May. This day dates back since the 19th century (1886). It is observed in about 80 countries in the world including Nigeria.

It is characterized by rallies, town hall meetings, meetings with governments, protests by labour unions. It is marked by rallying effort to make workers life more rewarding. Sometimes focus of rally or prayer to government may be on wages/ wage increase, work conditions, safety & health. 

Ironically, May Day also sounds like mayday /mehdeh/ which signifies a distress call! Workers and labour unions make their distress calls on labour issues that matters to them. Sometimes accompanied by some jamborees.

While workers have a sense of belonging and attachment to May 1, what happens to millions of youths who are unemployed or underemployed? Don't they have any part in May Day celebration or perhaps, theirs should be 'mehdeh' distress call for rebased and yet to be fulfilled hopes, dreams, vision and blurry future?

And so /mehdehmehdeh/mehdeh/mehdeh/ until something happens.

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