Today, the beginning of the month also is the international workers day that's celebrated in many parts of the world by labour and trade unions. The labour unions and employees agitate and negotiate for better pay and seemingly a battle time for the privileged folks who are employed.
Being employed whether as an employee or self-employed is a privilege, whatever career or vocation one finds oneself, even if it is not the most desirable, it might be the available and it puts food on the table, be grateful. It's not an end, more often than not, it's a pathway. The tasks, assignments, projects that you have engaged with so far all add up eventually and it's never a waste! For many folks, where you are right now in your vocation came as answered prayers.
For those wishing for better days in their career and working hard at refreshing a career or changing employment, don't despise present level, enjoy where you are on the way to where you are heading. For those hoping for a brighter day, to gain an employment and at least be able to put food on the table, don't give up even if it feels so! Press on, keep hope alive, keep value-adding radar up. Keep yourself active in your industry, learn to start your day business-like, network, make friends and do all to keep hope alive and never forget to always remember that you can start where you are, it's a pathway. Don't be proud to start small.
Wishing you all a beautiful month and may it be most remarkable for you in your vocation and chosen career.
Olubamike Fadipe is a writer with a passion to inspire, impact and motivate.
Twitter: @Bankysanya
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