Thursday, 24 April 2014

Career, Job and Work - Series 1

Every time I address undergraduates or fresh university graduate on the reality of life after school and what the future holds, I see fear, agitation, restlessness. While I can identify with these emotions, I have come to appreciate the wide gap that exists between where a fresh grad is on their journey of life in career, job and business, where s/he needs to be and the One million dollar question of how to get there. Many dreamt of becoming doctors, engineers, pharmacists, pilots, aeronautic engineers, a professors, chartered accountants, etc. For a few the hopes are fulfilled while for many, the story takes another turn when the first major hurdle in their academic sojourn don't land them in their desired spot.  And so, they settle for the available course or "courses they are offered" in the students' parlance.

Going through college or university and higher institutions of learning has it's demands of lectures, tutorials, assignments, term papers, projects, examinations etc. amidst living conditions that is far from the ideal. And with all these come the struggle to finish with an acceptable and desirable grade. The hope is that after all these sacrifices, good life that will compensate for the suffering will come with ease like it happened in the days of our fathers when two people shared a whole chicken for near free meal tickets and a job on the waiting right after school( at least I heard that first hand). Those days are still very desirable and hoped for but yet to come and until then..... While we can relish the past, we must create, write, edit, direct and act out our future. In the meantime, don't keep fingers crossed, keep it active and working!

Candid thought and questions to take home are - What is a job? and What is a career? While you ponder on this. . . Pls keep active!

For comments, complaints, questions and queries on the subject matter. Email: Twitter: @Bankysanya

Career, Job and Work Series.

This series seek to help undergraduates, graduates and workers at all levels define everyday terms and contexts, offer help for this aspect of life that engages us actively and for which we expect a level of financial and or other rewards while ultimately encouraging and inspiring to have a fulfilling career and work life.

We welcome comments, complaints, questions and queries on the subject matter. Email: Twitter: @Bankysanya

Saturday, 19 April 2014

In the spirit of Easter.

The Easter break is usually a long holiday spanning from Good Friday to Easter Monday (Galilee day). It is a time to be spent with family and friends. Fun loving folks plan picnics and many outdoor activities. But in the midst of all these fun, I recommend time for introspection. Suggested pieces for introspection ~ watch the films : "The passion of Christ" and "Elysium"

My idea of introspection isn't to make you cry because Jesus was beaten, battered and killed or for the sufferings that has been depicted in tangible dramatic forms that one can relate with. I'm saying pause and ponder on the state of the world as it is today, what Christ said about it and the future: the high level of insecurity, poverty, the wars, terrorism all over the globe, conflicts (ethnic, religious, tribe, families), the divorce rate, nations fighting nations, the incurable diseases, wickedness in high places, the health insurance chip, the earthquakes, the tornadoes and endless list of happenings. 

It's okay to believe Jesus died for the sins of the world, it's okay to believe Jesus is one of the prophets, it's okay to even believe Jesus was a good person! Whatever your belief is, put it on line, check, check again and cross check and be sure it can withstand what is yet to come.

The coming of Christ isn't a mirage, it is real and it will only be a fulfillment of the principle of sowing and reaping for Christ himself and for His people that he is coming for.

If you are still wondering what this is about please watch: "The passion of Christ" and "Elysium"

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Holiday versus work

Declaration of public holidays to workers is quite similar to holiday break for secondary school students who jump all and about with excitement. The excitement is usually in anticipation of a break from work or reduced workload for some folks. There is even the weekend slogan "TGIF" - Thank God It's Friday! sounding more like ~ Thank God I'm Free. . . Which is more like an every week thing. 

There are different perspectives to this excitement; some school of thought attach this 'holiday-holic' to a degree of being laid back while some term it as opportunity to have a deserving rest. Some argue that if a job is fulfilling and engaging enough, being away from the workplace will not be filled with so much excitement. The latter school of thoughts (oftentimes the workers themselves) on the other hand justify their need for rest from their work schedules and the demand that commuting to and fro work puts on them and other aspects of life.

But then, I'll ask shouldn't one be excited to have ones time and uninterrupted schedule for oneself without the thought of work even if I love my job and I enjoy what I do? Anyway, that's food for thought as the Easter break starts. Meanwhile, never forget to remember to enjoy yourself with your family and friends in this season. May the joy and peace of the season fill our hearts. Happy Easter!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

My Rainbow Life. . .

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. This age long adage applies to practically every area of life, be it a task, an event, a project, a goal or a desire. A step of whatever magnitude is a step and multiples of single step eventually covers the journey.

And that's exactly what this blog is about; my debut post is inspired by my desire to blow aflame a longtime passion to give expressions to my "rainbow life". You want to ask me what rainbow life is? My rainbow life is just as I want life to be colorful in all shades and hues! A "have it all life" Yes! In spiritual, emotions, family, finances, career and life in general irrespective of waiting hopes, pending dreams and visions. 

Life has got to be rich, full and beautiful. A rainbow depicts rays of hopes of positive promises so wake up to your beautiful life and say to yourself ~ 'I got a rainbow life'