Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Family Affair. . .

Family is the smallest unit of a group of people related by blood.  .  . (remember social studies class)😎. But this is not about social studies, this is a thought about 'life studies'.

Family can be described with variety of words - cluster, unit, team, group and the list goes on and on. The idea of family was all God's idea and design. He created it and as the last set of creation. He created it uniquely so without a universal form or shape but a universal principle . . . 

And now in our hustle and bustle and our civilization we chip at the most fundamental design of God - family. We recreate different styles, modes and ways of belongingness. We focus on issues and imperfections and create bridges around ourselves.

Even the first family wasn't perfect but that did not deter or change God's principle and idea. Our families might not be perfect, yet we need to keep the bond of love active and alive.

The best time you will know who and where you really belong is when the sea of life gets stormy. Then you will know people who have choices when it comes to you or people who do not have. 
Appreciate your family irrespective of the differences, status, dimension, form, imperfections and views.

Happy Valentine to our families. Spread love to your family this valentine.


Sunday, 4 February 2018

The race for life

The uncountable posts, countless articles and broadcasts all keep flogging same subject, same topic and same issue! 
Almost every post now seem to be pointing at same direction and trending same concept in different words ~ New Year, Dreams, Goals, Plans, Vision, Ideas, Starting, Doing! Its looking like there is no hiding place for this concept o.  .   
And so everytime you see one of such posts, something in you feel uneasy, checking you with reality especially when the current circumstance, few weeks gone and previous year have not been so impressive. The good thing is you are alive and still so much life has to offer.
Truth is, 2018 has come to stay and its for real, it only just feels like few days after Dec. 31 2017. The year seem to need time to unfold and for real we are in the fourth (4th) day of the second month and thirty-five (35) days gone already!
So many instructions, steps, guides, trainings, activities, all on same subject matter and you sometimes wish you have the mirror to see the future and a script of life drama and events so you'll  be sure of what you need to get done. Albeit, Get all you can and can all you get.  .   .
Essentially, everyone needs to run their race, thread on unusual terrain to achieve what eventually becomes the desirable results. 
You gotta run your race for life, for living, for survival, for achievement, for reward, fulfillment and for destiny.
You never know which of the many races will win the trophy, but you keep running.
You dont know which of many seeds sown will yield bounty harvest, but you keep sowing.
Just keep running, keep sowing and keep keeping on.
You will get there!