Friday, 30 December 2016

The making of the new year.

The year is gradually winding down and the new year waits with arms akimbo! This Christmas season must have been for me the most unusual. No Christmas decorations, no lightnings, no chicken slaying, no cakes and creams, no special rice combination cooking and all the 'accessories' that goes with party rice and the euphoria of yuletide season! To think that I missed all these without an iota of guilt is still amusing as I've had a handful of unprecedented events one after the other taking away the familiar and the usual. The current year has been particularly unusual too with so much ups and downs, really tough times laced with trimmings of good times, seasons of laughter and melancholy seasons, uncertain times and hopeful times, times of high and low energy. Despite all, it's still a privilege to be alive with hope for tomorrow and the morrow after which will then be the new year! The year winds down irrespective of the bliss, woes, gains or losses in 2016. 
The year 2017 will gallantly arrive and catch up without restraints. Last minutes preparation is not too late for an inevitable journey. The privilege to author our lives is inherent and cannot be taken away. It's time to do the unusual and forge on new terrains. Forget about all the goal setting classes that makes "new year resolutions" look so scary. Take a clean notepad, detail key areas of life, draw or create the imaginary and desirable pictures, acts and scenes of the new year. (The Quadrant below might be useful). 

The principle of life is first in, then out. So, it's critical to focus energy and investment on internal personal development as you cannot offer what you don't have. Then focus on the means to the end. It's important to have mental note of those dreams, goals, plans and visions and it's more important to take a further step to hold self accountable to those big dreams and plans by writing down note. Identify the aspects of life, the desired outcome and activities to be channeled for the end result. Keep it simple, draw three columns - one column for what you want, second for what you need and the third for what you need to do to get what you want or need in every aspect of life. Draw up a personalized plan and keep updating as the year progresses. 
This is not a time to guilttrip of what is not, what could have been or what should have been and all that. It's time to hop on the hope lane, stay aware, alive, agile and active to self, dreams and plans. It's not a time to stay on the usual path, doing what you know how to do best! No way! If that was not enough for 2016, then you need much more for 2017. The difference between where we are and where we are going is hidden in knowledge gap - "what we know and who we know"! It's time to dig the ground of knowledge, ask, explore, learn, know and seek wisdom like you wanna breathe!
The year 2017 is the now and so deserves so much! The new year will require the ability to discern what's needed for success; the determination to start on the dreams and plans no matter how big; the consistency to stay true from start to finish; the serenity to adapt to shortcomings whenever they surface and the tenacity to stay active and agile on the dream 2017 from January to December and beyond. Wishing you the most interesting journey in 2017 and a year filled with achievements, bliss, fortune, hope, opportunities, wealth and good success.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Life: A pen on paper

Life has a way of giving one refresher courses so we can be reminded of its irreplaceable value, many opportunities to value life over and over again fly around us in our daily lives.
Life is the reason why we get up and down, it's the reason for all the hustle and bustle, the reason for the innumerable goals and visions. It's the reason why emotions both positive and negative exist, it's because there is life, that's why we can identify a season or a phase no matter how extreme or negative and that's what makes tomorrow viable. 
A thousand inspirational talks and a million motivational speeches can jerk up and turn around a life in safe mode or a life taking left turn but cannot bring lifeless mode back neither can it add any value or iota of breath. Everything in life stays still, quiet and serene after that phase. The agility, vibes and flow of energy when there is life makes all the appearances we have when we have breath seem like an dynamic machine designed to function forever! 
Sleeping and waking up seem like a predictable cycle because we have hope and breath in concurrent sync. We easily take for granted the few privileges that we got freely. The gust, the zest, the dreams, the goals, the vision and the hopes that seemed like all to live for remains only relevant when the most important asset- life is intact and breath flows without any aid.
This year has earned so much tags and names describing the various challenges faced nationally and globally which in uncountable ways trickled down to individual lives, despite that something sure lies ahead that is yet to unfold and hoping for the best is just the sane thing to do. The year keeps ticking and passing by and by! Suddenly, the November that began stealthily has come and is exiting already. The month of December arrives in the usual elegant and flamboyant entry accompanied with the seasonal nostalgia. 
You're first alive before your dreams and visions. Your vision and dreams are like pen on a paper, you need paper to make a pen fulfill it's purpose. Before you start counting all that came through and all the others that are on pending list, all the could-haves and the should-haves, pause and consider the essence of it all with gratitude and serenity.
Life's worth living despite all.
Welcome to December.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Walking tough on the rough patch

Many waters has passed under the bridge for many folks in this year 2016. For the many ups and downs, defining moments, positive and otherwise, and it's fast rolling away! (Sigh.  .  .). As good as it sounds that 2016 is making a grand exit, it also can be a little bit scary as the patiently awaited year 2017 strolls in. For the many plans and miracles we have waited for that is yet to come, don't lose heart. For lost opportunities and failed attempts, there has to be yet another attempt. For disabilities and many disadvantages that may have showed due to how things turned out in the year whichever area of life whether economic which seems to hold true for most folks or career, family and etc. It's definitely not the end of the tunnel.
Today, I like you to watch this 4mins 15 secs video of Saqib Shaikh of Microsoft, a guru in artificial intelligence, who deployed cognitive computing, image recognition and mobile headset technologies to resolve the problem of his personal disabilities (all these jargon simply means he helped himself to overcome his blind state). Forbes had this to say about him ~ "Blind software developer Saqib Shaikh uses an artificial intelligence headset to capture images of the world around him and process them in order to understand what is happening".
The first adjective that comes to mind to describe where he is coming from would have been blind as he was born blind, but I'll rather prefer another adjective like "perceptive" that will best describe his present state based on the new opportunity he has been able to create for himself and for many others like him. He worked around the disadvantage and disability which in our clime could have turned him to a street beggar. He used his passion, skill and opportunity to create an application that makes his life and many others better. He didn't become object of sympathy. I have watched this video for God knows how many times now and every time I've been shirked up, I keep seeing many more things that I have working for me better than Saqib. It's already on my favourite list. If Saqib can, I can also!
For you, my readers today, the challenge is to look around us for those disabilities and disadvantages, those skills lying fallow, that past glory that's fast fading, that dying desire and abilities and that passion needing flaming, all that has been lurking around for so long!
To all those things listed above, the questions to find answers to are:- What can be done about them? more importantly, How can it be done? Most importantly, When? I left out Who because the first person to help self is self. Robert Schuller says "Tough times never last but tough people do". Life might seem or feel rough, then we've gotta become tough. Building the tough mode requires a lot of sharpening of rough edges. One of the high points that becomes paramount for 2017 is increasing income in this times of ever increasing costs. And honestly, 2017 has already started in my mind, January 1 will be too late to start. So I'm on a journey of reinventing self to add all forms of value, hoping you don't mind to do same, if you don't, then let's hop on the train and keep moving till we get there!

Need someone to talk to, for feedback, comments, ideas you can send us an email -

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Staying up, up, up and positive

Days are gone by and seconds keep ticking away and so just like that, another year is gone! That was my cranky way of viewing this time of the year when it seems like the year suddenly becomes shorter and so much still requiring attention. For goals penned down, that have become forgotten, pushed back or not even in existence any longer and for the 'head plans' i.e. plans and tasks in our minds that are so active yet behind schedule.
The pathway of life can often be a lonely one especially when success is still a destination ahead and the current hustle and bustle seems like a hurdle. When we converse with self and soul sinks into the caves of reality rather than the daunting future. When safety and security connotes hiding from self and reality of self!
One of my favorite book is Zig Ziglar's "How to stay up up up in a down down world". When I read the book for the first time, the world wasn't this down! Right now, I feel the whole world is at the lowest and also at the highest point of entropy and I'm wondering if really things have gotten better since 12 years when I first stumbled on the book. I've come to embrace the reality that oftentimes, many situations and issues will not change their form, the real change is animated change, deliberate and internal change, oftentimes start with the invisible and intangible part of us. We have to keep reinventing ourselves in adjusting to the highly dynamic changes around. 
Year in, year out, this December consolation of better years are ahead comes up seemingly to wash all the sins of the outgoing year away and to make one feel good about outstanding dreams, goals and aspiration! Yes, I've felt like this countless times when it seems dreams, hopes and aspirations have gone 'awol'. But I've learnt and I'm learning fast to master how to hope on hope and how to stay glued on it. It's not exactly a predictable expedition with a predetermined map.
Before you throw in the towel, be assured that the hope destination is certain even if timing remains a variable. Hope is a class where you learn the rudiments of been alive to life and living sometimes is like an art, you draw it in your own way, at your pace and on your terms and every such artwork gives it's unique meaning and message.
You simply keep getting better, one victory irrespective of size strengthens muscle for the next and so the cycle continues.
To snap out of the monologue with self in the hurdles of life, compare reality with future picture and face self with hard truth that no one can tell; identify the bridge that can link both reality and the future! The missing pieces for fulfillment and achievements are hidden in the art of doing. Even if the hurdle keeps being miles away from the desirable, keep keeping on. Sustain enthusiasm, be positive. Either you start what you need to or do what you need to start; Either you do what you love or love what you do! Whichever way just get on the doing lane and keep hope against hope!

Friday, 11 November 2016

The triumph of Trump

The rivalry between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the American election is like a keen judo,  dramatic and filled with intrigues. With countless number of speeches giving away Trump's idiosyncrasies, and endless allegations against Hillary on her carelessness. Like a roller-coaster, they have both rolled through the tunnel to catch the mace. The suspense for this 2016 American  election has been one like no other. Through the thick and thin of heated debates, over-rated campaigns, townhall meetings, social media exchanges and interviews, prepared and unprepared speeches, outbursts and the list goes on. The different schools of thoughts supporting the duo are passionate and highly biased towards unusual ideologies.

Apart from the campaign and election preparations being highly dramatic, It's also historic having the first female presidential contestant of a highly recommended stock alongside a very rich business mogul but green politician! Some folks anticipated the breaking of another glass ceiling for the female gender with a candidate who's got grit and gut while some just wanted a successful, fearless talker with conservative moral background. With so much flow of adrenaline, the whole world watched the emergence of the 45th president of the United States of America - President Donald Trump.
The countless commentaries on the outcome of the election projects the buy-in of Americans on underlying values that differs from what seemed to connote political correctness. The emergence of Donald Trump has shown the whole world that they would rather be conservative than been libertarian; Americans would rather pardon tax evasion criminal offence than the offence of using personal emails for government/public transactions; they would rather have walls than have open borders; they'll rather be more white than touch of brown! 
The appeal to the moralists and Christians is so intense that it overrides the sense of liberty and general acceptance that was thought to be the minimum for a free society as America. In all, Americans have chosen who they believe their country needs most at this time and to be honest, they've probably voted in their own version of change. We can only watch with arms akimbo what the next four years will unfold.
With the triumph of Mr. Trump, the acceptance speech showed a degree of regard even for the opposition and for the concession speech of Mrs. Clinton, it was apt! [Another topic for another day].
In our lives, we often find ourselves in situations with keen and intense emotions in decision making giving room for survival of the fittest where available alternatives have divergent but supporting characteristics. The decision to choose the most viable alternative placed in the crucible of core values, enlightened self interest, goodwill and moral narrative. It has shown in capslock that the race is not to the swift but the lesson of all time is NEVER SAY NEVER!

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Maya's Golden words. . .

I stumbled on this video that sounded like grandma Maya's golden words to folks needing pep talk in the midst of many ups and downs. God knows I needed this so goodly! So watch like I did, take your notes and keep the lessons - Maya Angelou's short clips 
Ten Humorous lessons from Maya Angelou (Notes from the video)
  • Just do it right: Do it right even if it's not popular, nor profitable (our society, families and world needs this).
  • Be courageous: It's the most important virtue, you need courage to be consistent in living out all other virtues.
  • Love: Fall in love with self and then love others. Find love internally and let love flow out - you can't give what you don't have.
  • Laugh: Live with ease, bask in humour and lightheartedness. Pass laughter on, let someone else catch the flame of laughter.
  • Be a blessing to somebody - Be a rainbow 🌈 in someone's clouds!
  • Turn struggles into triumphs - generate positive energy through tough situations.
  • Talent: No one is without talent, it's something inside that flows like electricity lightening our daily lives. We all got it in different measures and we all need it to make the world go round! 
  • Learn to say No! Learn to have a voice! Poverty has been directly linked to voicelessness and powerlessness.
  • Always do your best and give your best!
  • Keep rising even in obscurity, above all odds, rubbles and remnants; beyond the borders of family, society, race and world at large! When you choose to rise, you shine! So choose to rise! Still I rise

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Value points of life

A couple of weeks back, a friend of mine put up on social media group thought-provoking questions on articulating and auditing our belief patterns. The questions she posed revolve around a tripod stand - GOD, BUSINESS, MONEY and I've chosen to add PEOPLE on the second leg. It is believed that what we believe, imbibe and do about these key points will go a long way to determine how we fare in life.
I have begun my own journey into the audit exercise, it's ongoing. Find below my attempt at the exercise, its definitely not a standard nor is it final! As I learn and know more in life, I believe that my belief patterns also will be updated. 

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"
These are the points for thoughts:~
  • Identify Five (5) personal beliefs about GOD.
  • Identify Five (5) personal beliefs about PEOPLE.
  • Identify Five (5) personal beliefs about BUSINESS.
  • Identify Five (5) personal beliefs about MONEY
Personal beliefs about GOD:  
  • I believe God is all in all, creator of heaven, the earth all that is in it and all that will yet be, He is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
  • I believe Jesus Christ is the beloved son of God given up for our sake in order to gain life here and yonder (eternal life).
  • I believe God's passionate love is expressed through His Holy Spirit, He'll not allow us fall or falter and when we do, He picks us up.
  • I believe I am Christ's and Christ is for me and I have same authority and victory that He earned, not by works but by grace.
  • I believe God has His plan for our lives and He's got unique deals He unravels by and by.
Personal beliefs about PEOPLE:  

  • I believe people - humans were created in God's image and likeness and have same invaluable worth of life irrespective of color, race or ethnic group.
  • I believe what we become is not a function of color, race or ethnic group but a function of level of knowledge and depth of opportunities.
  • I believe every human is made of more and made for more!
  • I believe we were created to belong at home; with families, friends and folks and our best is when we are at peace with all.
  • I believe the best style for living is loving.
  • I believe existence and survival of every institution, system and group can only thrive with people 
Personal beliefs about BUSINESS
  • I believe that ideas and visions rule the world and that businesses are a by-product of ideas.
  • I believe for every idea and vision, there is provision; the beginning of wealth is identifying people's needs as stimulus for ideas and solutions generation in exchange for currency.
  • I believe that solution to diverse human needs are hidden in humans and that we all have significant contribution to offer as solutions to the myriads of problems now and in the future.
  • I believe success is never ending and failure is not final, with continuous innovation, invention and creativity, the world will keep going round!
  • I believe that every enterprise and business is to be worked at, built upon, structured, organized and recreated for sustainability, systems and processes. I love order and structure!
Personal beliefs about MONEY.
  • I believe money is a tool. Money has no character, it takes on the character of the holder.
  • I believe money answers all things but cannot replace all things.
  • I believe the absence and lack of money (poverty) is the foundation of many vices.
  • I believe the volume of money one will have is dependent on the size of problem s/he is willing to solve, solve big problem and earn big.
  • I believe true wealth cannot be gotten from monthly wage or salary! Riches and wealth come from cumulative of consistent and progressively increasing earnings, streams of income (active, passive & residual), returns on investments, savings.
These exercise feels like an opportunity to articulate values system and keep it as an active reminder. And as the end of season for 2016 rounds up and 2017 beckons. Let's start thinking, let's start seeing and let's start doing. . . 

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Learning Up and Down

Becoming old is something that is perceived to come with a level of consciousness especially when in contact with folks in the younger category. The old sends out serious vibes while the youth simply catches fun! The instinct to generate and let out the sense of being more or having more on many fronts is as innate as societal. The higher the age difference, the more the demand on rights with palpable air of superiority.

The pattern of drawing barriers between old and young has created endless stereotypes of how interactions should be, roles and rules on what should be, it even fixed the old to be the guide for the young in most facets of life! This order endows the older with so much authority and rights to pass irrevocable judgments on the younger. This arrangement fixates the older leaving them stuck in the familiar, old order, norm and way of life passed down to them from their own superiors. The burden of responsibility on the older often remains for long added to the endless cries of becoming a model and an example in household. All of these often put the older in a position to act in a given mold and prove superior while the younger ones just like to have it adventurous, fun, real, trendy and fabulous. While these trends obtain in families, it’s not left out in other platforms of human interaction.

I have younger ones who continuously and tirelessly challenge me and keep me update on many aspect of life that I would naturally have been secluded from if not for them. Their pep has always been an encouragement to me! what will life be without them! I once attended a training geared at building my lifelong passion (exactly what I’m doing here - writing) facilitated by a young lady and a pretty soul – Adedoyin Jaiyesimi of Sparkle Writers Hub, I left the training feeling the training was worth a lot more than the fee! I felt as much as I would feel in any professional training classes as this young lady shared her wealth of knowledge, experience and opportunities; the momentary thoughts in my head was – damn! Where have I been? I couldn’t but acknowledge that knowing has nothing to do with age! I dare say I’m learning a great deal from many of these youths who make life go round.
It's amazing how the cycle is rapidly changing, altering the course and direction of knowledge, expertise and competence clouded in technology. We have learnt traditionally from up to down (i.e. older to younger) for too long, the trend is fast becoming down to up (younger to older). The infrastructure that will back up future tasks, skills and competence are hidden in the youths of this generation and their strengths. I’ll agree they often need direction and some molding but I bet they've got so much to offer in terms of creative energy, innovation and thinking out of the box, they're quite fearless and they've got gut! They won’t hesitate to turn the world around. The latest technology of running things is their hobby. 

The next time you have a project or a drive consider the perspective of a younger individual and be willing to submit to superior ideas. Learning from these ones is fluid, dynamic, more of an adventurous journey usually without barriers and without stereotypes. They consider the easiest, shortest and fun means of getting around a difficult task and they bask in understanding the latest trend of things.

Tag with a youth, be youthful and stay forever young!

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Happy Teachers' Day

I got loads of picture today celebrating Teachers Day and the one that tickles my fancy most is the one with this caption:~ "The best Teachers teach from the heart,not from the books"So, I decided to post this tribute to all the teachers in my life no matter how late the time is, better late than never!

Many invaluable treasures in life are appreciated in retrospect. You appreciate the resources and people that has lined your pathway long after you've had them and you have been able to draw up an upward looking graph and connect with many positive links. Many times in life we only appreciate great people long after they've been in existence in our lives. One of such to be appreciated on a day like this is a people that we've all encountered at one point in time of life or the other. 

At every level or social status, whether formal or vocational schools, primary, secondary or tertiary or even the workshop by the roadside, most of us have benefited from the magnanimity and the "other side" of teachers. The magnanimity been their aptness, their depth, effort, passion and the strength of their skills while their "other side" is the toughness that seem to always be an ally! 

The privilege of been raised by my first teacher - my mother, a teacher of teachers and a teacher per excellence afforded me this opportunity for reminiscences, a lot of throwback motion pictures in my mind and deep thoughts on a day like this. While I can confess that I didn't grow up being this appreciative, I can say I have stored up so much appreciation to start letting out and that's the essence of this tribute.

As a mother, oscillating and trying to adapt to follow up teaching for every grade, I can say it's not a mincemeat! It feels more like I'm meant to install all-in-one encyclopedia, dictionary, all the textbooks and Google application in my mind! Having also become an occasional teacher by providence, I can say it's a tall order to keep learning and to keep teaching as the cycle goes on and on. It takes a lot of gut, grit, energy, passion, time and many other resources to stand in front of a class with confidence, content and coherence all at the same time transmitting hope on the subject matter no matter how difficult. It takes a heart that seeks to know and learn to transmit same knowledge as you can't give what you don't have.

To every gem 💎 who has taught me at one point in time of my life or the other - from primary, secondary, graduate, postgraduate, in and out of school, on-the-job and out-of-job, career and vocational, I salute and express my high regard for your commitment, effort, energy, gut, grit, passion, sacrifice, time, zeal, zest, and a part of your life that you shared effortlessly and ceaselessly! I say a huge Thank you, Arigato, Danke, Merci, Gracias, Munchos, Obrigado!

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Welcome to October

I heartily welcome you to the month of October, the tenth step on the 2016 ladder.
Gratitude for the previous nine steps through the nine months as rough as it has been, 
Never forget that it could have been worse .
Its a privilege to be alive and alive and well.
Savour now and make it the best it can ever be.
Make October all the adjectives you can think of - awesome, beautiful, fabulous, fruitful, remarkable, rewarding and the list goes on (make your own list and personalize it). 
Photo credit: Dear October

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Mirror Hack Series 2

Photo credit - Face in the mirror
Still on the mirror hack! 
In carrying out my facial regimen, my hand almost always slide on a deep furrow - a scar lying tangential my right eye brow: its a scar that has become a part of my face for as long as I can remember. The scar simply just denied my face the typical symmetry of a lined brow. I must confess that my spare time in front of the mirror often leaves me fussing over the scar like a new spot even after 30 years! While I occasionally try to relive the event that led to the crude imprint, I still wonder how a lot of close folks never seem to notice the same scar with the vivid description. But I'm learning not to stay active on negative imprints, memory and history including the said scar.
Typically we all tend to have a quick, serious glance when standing in front of a mirror and people are present. But when we are in front of a mirror all alone by ourselves, we do stuffs unimaginable, we stay for a longer time, act drama that words might not be able to capture! Unusual drama! Trying to see many parts of our acts all at a spontaneous opportunity of sighting a mirror! Sometimes, we check out how we can look as against how we look and that's an art! Its an art that can be further explored. Seeing a new us is an art that has to be learnt! Remember that what you see has nothing to do with the cost of the mirror, it's a function of what your mind can picture,project and ultimately bring to life.

Photo credit - Makeup gimmick
Imagine the picture above, the make up artist saw her client but didn't limit her to the initial look, she saw a picture of what she can be - a more desirable picture and she brought it to life. 
We tend to check out our self from the familiar point of view especially from the last dark spot or freckles we saw whether on the small pocket mirror, standing mirror or the mirror of the heart. Learn not to focus on the struggles, the pains, scars and battles! We need to train our flexible and dynamic mind to see what we want to see in the mirror. Oftentimes, everyday living is like a mirror, what you see in your mind, you eventually see in reality.

To inspire, impact and empower: making everyday count. . .

Friday, 2 September 2016

The Mirror Hack

I decided to share my heart again here, I must say it's been a while here. . . I choose not to accept any excuse from my witty mind that will transfer the thought to my tongue, rather I've accepted the lapse and I'm promising to turn on an improved self leaf to my readers and be more forthcoming on this page. Seriously, it's time to be serious with seriousness. . .😎👀
Few weeks ago, I had a spontaneous conversation with my girl on her looks and the use of a mirror, I marveled at her opinion on the purpose of a mirror, the conversation left me in deep thoughts long after and I chose to keep the lessons in the fore of my mind as they didn't leave me!
As we dressed up for a weekend event, all rushing to set out fast in the midst of so much fuss (you all can guess how fussy parents with girls can be on dressing up, from points like the general outlook, color combination, gait, general carriage, accessories and so on), my older daughter wanted to dress up pretty faster so she could outshine all of us and be the first in the 'dressing competition', she popped up with her unique witty grin and a forming 'gap tooth' - I've finished!
Photo credit ~ Getty images

I looked up and wasn't as excited seeing her hair wasn't in the best shape, I noticed few locks of her braided hair were out of place and not well packed making her look untidy and I told her to get that done as fast as possible! Just out of curiosity, I asked why she didn't bother to check the mirror to see her final look. She simply responded with an unassuming look that if she had checked the mirror, she wouldn't have come first in the 'dressing competition' and she startled me by telling me that the purpose of the mirror is not just to check one's looks but to fix the looks and ensure it meets the desirable and that would have taken more time!

Photo credit

I paused for a long while allowing those words to sink into me, I played it out in my mind over and over and those thoughts and the lessons popping up just didn't leave me as I could picture both a physical mirror that focuses on physical outlook and appearance and a mental mirror that reflects the inner person and parts; so I thought to share here my thoughts on mirror (mirror here referring both to physical mirror and a mental mirror but more of mental mirror):~
The purpose of a mirror is not just to check the looks but to fix the looks: if you must stand in front of a mirror, make sure it's to make you have the desirable look! Face yourself and make adjustments where needed.

Whatever you see in the mirror can always be better! If it's bad, make it good, If it's good, make it better, if it's getting better, work at making it best!
When you are so focused on competing with others, you'll lose sound assessment of self, your outlook, sometimes personal identity and opportunities to improve and get better.
The time you'll require to fix the physical looks and the emotions reflected in the mirror isn't a waste, it's worth it.

The next time you want to take that quick glance at a mirror, don't rush! Use it as an opportunity to straighten up or brazen up to that desirable person you're becoming.

To inspire, impact and empower making everyday count. . .

Monday, 1 August 2016

Welcome to August

Welcome to the month of August.

With gratitude for the seven months gone and hope for the present day. I desire that for us it will be the best of months offering to us opportunities to enlarge, expand, increase and grow. 

August is the only month that describes grandeur and extreme importance to any subject of description and so it connotes a month of reckoning.

As we embrace our fresh opportunities, may we find the strength to explore, the inspiration to create and innovate, the agility to leap, the tenacity to keep up, the wisdom to know when to change and the ability to achieve.

Have the best month of your life in grand style!!

Bamike Fadipe is a passionate writer, an aspiring author on a mission to inspire, impact and motivate, making everyday living count.
Twitter: @Bankysanya

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Press RED button on laziness!

It wasn't meant to be a deliberate appraisal though, but flipping through my journal and seeing list of things I have desired and achieved in the course of the year, feeling good and I sure assured myself ain't doing badly but suddenly a force quickly cut that short! A greater force whose lens could only capture the many things I didn't get around doing, and they seemed endless or so I thought - (the posts I should have drafted, the ideas on sticky notes that should have been expanded, the untouched presentation slides, the ebook idea, the business networking follow up, products to be activated, sales and credits to be followed up on, follow up calls on business leads, several phone calls to family & friends that has become debts! and many more)! Eventhough I documented the goal, the detailed tasks - for short ~ the what, why and how, yet!! They were untouched! Yes untouched! I tried a melodrama of what my excuses could have been if I decided to be creative, I realized I could reel out a couple excuses within seconds all very genuine and original. I observed how our brain supplies energy to protect itself from itself and how pampering self with excuses would have made me feel at ease a bit. 

I realize it takes a conscious, deliberate effort to face myself in the mirror and simply tell myself - Girl, get your butt off excuses and press the RED button on laziness, stop the inaction! Go girl, go! #JustDoIt. So I choose to do the following: -

- Face a mirror and do a self talk; Relive the what, the why, the how and the where;
- Refire; Add zest; Create fun around the activities; Acknowledge and celebrate every leap
- Look out for an activity accountability partner ( could be your spouse, child, a friend, a colleague, a business partner)

And so my pledge today is:~

"I'll do everything I can 
At every instance that I can
Doing my Best with all my zest
I won't wear a gown on my endless downs
I'll deal a rapid blow on the reeling plow
I choose to be strong irrespective of the throng
I'll be smart and bold 
To master my art and gain the gold"

Bamike Fadipe is a passionate writer, an aspiring author on a mission to inspire, impact and motivate, making everyday living count.

Twitter: @Bankysanya

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Eating your cake and having it!

Today's world is marked by high level of ambition, hyper activity, desire for achievement and low level of contentment. We all want to have the best of every good thing in life, when we want them and how we want them. We want to have more than enough to spend on ourselves and of course on vanities. We want to have good jobs, great career, sustainable riches and wealth, build mansions and farmhouses, build healthy relationships, have beautiful homes with lovely and well groomed children with beautiful future, also help the needy. All these things seem like great needs and very desirable; having all seemingly connote good life while sometimes having only some of the goodies might seem more practical and feasible. 
The point of concern then is how fulfilling can living be without these goodies of life ~ riches and wealth, jobs, relationships and family? Is it a loss to drive and hope for all? Should one of the needs be fulfilled and another need excluded? 

Human needs are insatiable like a vicious cycle. Fulfillment of one need helps fulfillment of other needs. One need met gives capacity to meet greater needs and yet has potential to create another need and so the cycle continues.
My lifelong questions and pondering on this have been the following ~ 
I. Is it possible for an individual to have all these goodies together - good jobs, great riches and wealth, mansions and farmhouses, healthy relationships, beautiful homes, lovely & groomed children. 
II. Which of the goodies can you do without? 
II. If possible to have it all, then how? 
III. Shouldn't I rather keep up hope and energy to have it all? 
IV. Wouldn't I rather pursue having it all? 
V. Wouldn't I rather eat my cake and still have it?
Right now, I'm imagining a piece of cake and my active desire to retain and sustain the sweetness without finishing the piece! 
Put yourself  in the midst of all these needs and think about your best and most energetic response(s). 
Can you dare to eat your cake and still have it? Can you dare to have it all?

Olubamike Fadipe is a writer with a passion to inspire, impact and motivate.
Twitter: @Bankysanya

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Hop on hope

June is over, another month gone again! 
Not just another month but half year. Where was I heading and where am I now? What have I been doing? How have I faired are the questions that whirl round an eager soul sometimes with palpitations. As the calendar ticks away, age is also ticking; hopes, aspirations, dreams and visions stand as dire still waiting to be rolled out in pomp and pageantry and still awaiting the D-day that it shall come to pass.

Dreams keep alive as long as we want them to, they stay active as passionately as we want them to. But then, we are all at one point in time or the other faced with aspirations that seem like it will never be, when there is drive but no motion. The temptation to throw in the towel and quit can be inviting while the rewards too can be equally depressing.

Challenges and tough life situations abound and as much as its not easy, it shouldn't also be a destination - don't settle in! When going through rough patch in life, embrace self, identify present situation, visualize the desirable destination, identify required help and alternatives, locate a superior voice. In life, we all need that superior voice that advises, instructs, inspires, motivates and holds accountable and it's important to identify it early in whatever form it presents ~ a coach, a friend, a buddy, a relative, a spouse who seem to be on one's case relentlessly.

Make a decision to make the next half year the best it can ever be. Make it the most remarkable and the most desirable time of your life. Be deliberate in thoughts and actions. Hop on the most memorable season of your life.

Don't give up on your dreams, keep dreaming, dreaming is living. 
Keep hope against hope, keep working. 
Never forget to always remember that when there's life, there's hope. 
Keep hopping on hope!

Olubamike Fadipe is a writer with a passion to inspire, impact and motivate.

Twitter: @Bankysanya