Saturday, 17 January 2015

The Race Towards Time.

Just like every race whether on the track or in real life, the following combination of factors are essential and they positively point in the direction of success:-
~ Take-off point;
~ A lined/ focussed track;
~ A finishing tape;
~ A feasible speed range & limit where required;
~ A reward for the race.

All these factors put together make a race worth the effort and not to be left out is the 2015 race. This new year should not just move on the way every other year passed. If you had a few or much failure in the previous year, it's a season to reposition for success and perhaps previous year was a good year, then make this new year better! This has got to be a year to keep fire under in order to keep active. New year resolutions are not made to be beautifully written with cursive handwriting in exquisite diaries! Resolutions are made to be understood, implemented and lived out!

The world around us isn't getting better, it is becoming alarmingly unpredictable and some schools of thought believe it might not get better! Morals are fading, economies are failing, security very low, investments failing, governance costlier and in all ramification, fear for and of tomorrow keeps rising. Rather than moan on how bad the world gets, it's the season to expend self on how we can get better and how our world can be better. 

The ides of every month in significant term divides the month into two and subtly connotes that the month is running to an end. The ides of January 2015 is fast gone and the year in a typical unassuming but progressive mode is fast running to an end. It's safer not to take the drive for the year too lightly or too calmly, rather calculatively and conscientiously. 

Perhaps you are like me, energetically calculating how the personal/family budget estimate for this year shall be achieved with the numerous grandiose ideas in the sturdy spiral bound journal. The larger your needs, the larger you  need to chew with a hope to uptake nutrient and achieve good health. It will be inimical to reduce my apetite and my nutrient uptake because I am afraid to chew!  Kwashiorkor, lack and other disease then become the threat. And so in this year, chew on your ideas more than you can bite!

This is a year to try hands on  different things, do same things differently and see what life can be from a different lens till you get good outcomes. Learn a new skill - soft or hard; learn a new language; earn a new degree; acquire new qualifications; get the latest technology in your vocation; try a new idea; make money; start a new business; sell, sell and keep selling! 

A lot more of our articles in this new year will focus on business self help to build, inspire and motivate in business, career and life while we will keep up and hot with our vision of helping readers to make everyday living count for the desirable future.

Comments, contributions, questions and queries are welcomed on the article. Twitter: @Bankysanya

Thursday, 1 January 2015

The 2015 of your dreams. . .

Few hours already gone in the new year accross most time zones in the globe and so the long awaited new year ~ 2015 has come. Many died just few hours before the new year but you made it, so a brand new 2015 set for a new YOU! The seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months has begun ticking, so launch out with your goals and the plans headlong. If the goals are still unclear and yet to be defined, it's never too late. Sit down for a few hours, generate your 2015 workplan, making it as simple as possible for YOU Incorporated! Draw up SMART goals ~ Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound schedule of activities geared towards a specific and desirable outcome accross identifiable areas of life which could be but not limited to areas listed below:-

~ Self/Personal development: involves activities towards improving self. Go out of self to identify weaknesses and chart what to do to convert to strength. Identify fallow areas, opportunities and cultivate them. Identify points and activities in your life that gives more reward and spend more time and energy on such. Invest in building and feeding your spirit, soul and body. Expend your mind on things of value. Take care of your body ~ check your BMI (Body Mass Index), check your BP (Blood Pressure) regularly especially if you are around 40 years of age, watch what you eat, create a sustainable exercise and diet regimen. Stay healthy.

~ Career development: this involves vocation, job, profession; plan to improve in your chosen vocation or perhaps dabble in new terrain. Identify how to have an edge and competitive advantage in your career, go online and read about your profession. Enrol for a degree or a certification, hone new skills, identify latest technology relevant to your profession and learn the technology.

~ Family: Revise family values or devise if you don't have. Keep in touch, celebrate and savour the warmth that comes from the place of your birth and where you were nurtured. Honor your parents, invest in the family you have created time, energy, resources, love and warmth. Build your home with faith, hope and love.

~ Finances: Establish total expenditures in figures by listing out estimates of utilities and bills, estimates of planned projects, estimates of desired investments; derive sum total. Then determine present financial level (annual earnings/income which should include salaries, dividends, rent earnings etc.). Find the difference between estimated expenditures and present financial level, the difference is the extra required funds that needs to be generated. Identify what needs to be done in trade or services to earn the required amount. Start that age long business or idea, create a business plan, network. Create streams of income and start early in 2015. Start now!

~ Relationship: Identify the various levels of friendships and network of people in your life, appraise and appreciate their impact in 2014. Redefine your network for 2015. Appreciate, maintain and sustain. You never know where you will need your long lost school friend. For doors of friendship that needs to be closed, close gently and carefully, you never know when such doors will be knocked on again. Your network is actually your net worth.

~ Impact: Look around you (your community, place of work, place of worship, your friends and family), identify that one thing that bothers you and do something positively different about it. Stop the complaints and fix it, make it better and just do it right!

Let your world be better in this year 2015. Face the year with courage, hope and enthusiasm. It's your best year.

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